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Feitian One Time Password (OTP) Tokens are compatible with OATH specification. Which are the benefits?

OATH is an open specification for One Time Password (OTP) Token devices. This specification is provided by the open authetication Initiative OATH includes public specifications for event-based (HOTP) authetication and time-based (TOTP) authetication. Both authetication types use public encryption standards. For the event-based authetication the OTP password is dynamicly generated with every button push or token activation. For the time-based authetication a new OTP password is automaticaly generated every after 30 or 60 seconds.

OATH was created so that can be used with both hardware tokens (small dimensioned devices which can be held in a pocket and generate the OTP password) and software tokens (small programs which run on smartphones and other portable devices).

There is an important number of compatible tokens with OATH. Feitian OTP Tokens are also OATH compatible with OATH and can be used with any open authetication system which is compatible with OATH.

Feitian OTP Token C100 for event-based (HOTP) authetication is easy to use and carry. The token can be attached to a key chain and can be kept in a pocket. The level of security to access data stored on web is high because the password is unique for each authetication request. This way you can avoid the risk of password theft and attacks. Now you can get your OTP C100 at great price.

Feitian OTP Token C200 for time-based (TOTP) authetication offers high security because generates an unique password every 30 seconds. The users choose this device for secure access in VPN, wep pages and web applications, online data bases etc. Get you own Feitian OTP C200 at a great price.
Find out more details about OTP Token C200. >>

Authentication Server
The OATH consortium is a collaboration effort between the IT industry leaders whose purpose is to provide a reference architecture for universal strong authentication for all users and each device from any network. The OATH open standard allows multiple choices for hardware, reduced property costs and allows users to replace the complex existing property security systems with cost-effective systems.

The high level features of OATH reference architecture include:
1. Open specifications – use the existing strandards provided by the initial standardization efforts from other well known technical standards which comply with the specific needs.
2. Improved devices and innovation – suport a great variety of authentication devices (tokens, smartcards etc) and transforms the existing mobile devices (mobile phones, PDA, laptops, smartphones, tablets etc) into authentication devices.
3. Interoperable modules – the components were created so that could interoperable and provide flexibility in developing and implementing the authentication solutions.
4. Support for native platforms – the architecture was created to be integrated with the existing platforms and management infrastructures for identities and access control (LDAP, AAA servers etc.).

Benefits for authentication solution providers:
1. The personal network and interoperability opportunities allow providers to create autentication solutions which run with complementary solutions
2. The complete framework provides the architecture for developing complete end-to-end solutions
3. Reduced costs for research and developing through technical colaboration and specifications based on standards.
4. Facilitates technolgical innovation in hardware and software devices development for multiple authentication methods (OTP, SIM, PKI based).

Benefits of the autentication in enterprise environments:
1. Increase the users/consumers acceptance for strong authentication
2. Provides potential for increasing revenues through more secure online experience for users/customers
3. Reduced costs for implementing the solution by simplifying the integration of the solution components. This allows validation to be lauched as a network utility.
4. Reduced costs for solution implementation by activating the authentication devices for sharing/reusing for multiple websites and wep applications.
5. The open standard approach prevents bending to a certain solution and allows you to choose from a wider range of providers for implementating the best and flexible solutions in industry.

Benefits for clients/consumers/end-users:
1.Reduced risk for identity theft by a wider implementation of strong authentication
2.Convenience and improved experience for users by providing a wide range of authentication devices and services.


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